Stress In The 21st Century

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Stress in the 21st Century is non discriminatory. No matter what age, gender, race or social standing, stress affects everyone in some form or another. Milner and Palmer (1998) noted that” according to the media, modern life is permeated with Stress; sometimes it appears that it may achieve epidemic proportions”. The perception of stress differs with each individual. What one person sees as stressful another might not. How we cope with stress also differs according to the resources available; whether it is self reliance, education, family support, social net working or a determination to overcome the obstacle. Not all stress is negative. There is also a positive side to stress, called eustress, which refers to the healthy, positive, constructive outcome of stressful events (S. McShane, T Travaglione, 2007); we sometimes refer to this as “ making the best of a bad situation” or “Character building” . Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996) say that” Stress can promote positive psychological change”, which they call post-traumatic growth. Being aware of the sources of stress in our lives is half the battle of coping with stress. When we are unaware of the situations that produce stress or of how stress is affecting us, our fear and anxiety levels increase. On the other hand, once we are aware of the stressors in our lives we can learn to relax and respond to them in a positive rather than negative way (L. John Mason Ph.D. 1988). Stress can be defined as any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities (Weiten, Lloyd, Dunn, Hammer. Psychology Applied to Modern Life 2006).With this in mind we need to look at the different causes of stress. Stress can be something as simple as a hiccup in one’s daily routine to a major catastrophe like an earthquake. Just everyday life can cause a person to have stressful
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