Junk Food Essay

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Junk Food Cheetos, potato chips, donuts, hamburgers, they’re all junk food and then some. A lot of things would be classified as junk food. Junk food, hence the name, is garbage to your body. Junk food is classified by the high amount of sugar or saturated fat something has, with a lacking of protein, vitamins, fiber, and other vital nutrients. So why do people buy junk food? Because junk food is cheap and it tastes good, but that does not mean it’s healthy. What makes you addicted to junk food is that it’s low in satiation value, which means that people don’t tend to feel full when they eat them, which causes overeating. Junk food is the leading factor to obesity and excess fat. Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death in America. Obesity raises blood pressure levels, which causes your heart to work harder, which is dangerous. Studies have revealed that obese people have twice the rate of developing health problems than as people of normal weight; including 100% greater chance of developing Type 2 diabetes or 50% increased likelihood of developing heart disease. Obese men are 90% also more likely to get colon cancer than as people of normal weight. Junk food affects children greatly as well. Children ages 8-12 see junk food ads on TV an average of 21 a day, or 7,600 a year. Teenagers see slightly fewer, 17 a day, or about 6,000 a year; and children ages 2-7 see the fewest, 12 a day or 4,400 a year. About one-third of children and teens in the USA are overweight or on the brink of becoming so, government data show. Children who eat a lot of junk food tend to be obese, and childhood obesity is a serious matter. Childhood obesity may cause asthma, sleep apnea, hypertension, or Type 2 Diabetes. “Obesity affects every organ system in a child's body, and it can do so in a much more profound way than in adults because children are still

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