Linear Functions: College Algebra

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Part 1- Dosage (in mg.) a.)Uses for Chloramphenicol The Drug Chloramphenicol, though no longer a commonly prescribed medication, is very successful for the treatment of a wide range of infections. Chloramphenicol is classified as a broad spectrum antibiotic. This medication works well against gram-positive, as well as gram-negative organisms, interfering with the process of protein synthesis, the process essential for bacterial growth Chloramphenicol was once considered the “drug of choice” by physicians, used to treat everything from the simple throat infection to the common flu. This is not the case anymore. Today, after finding complications with this antibiotic, some which are life threatening, the uses have greatly narrowed. Currently, within the United States, Chloramphenicol is used only for more serious infections in which other medicines have not been successful. Chloramphenicol is used as alternate therapy for treating more serious infection such as Typhoid Fever and some types of Meningitis. Chloramphenicol is also extremely useful for treating infections of the eyes. This medication is also important to biological research, as it is used in the lab to better understand protein synthesis by viewing the process with Chloramphenicol. b.)Linear Function for Determining Dosage Using the slope-intercept form, y = mx+b, and plugging in the variables, we are able to determine the dosage needed for a patient, according to his/her weight, in pounds. The linear equation necessary to determine dosage is: y = 5.67 x + b. In this equation, 5.67 is the slope, the variable x stands for the weight of the patient, and b is the y-intercept. c.)Slope of Linear Function To find the slope for the equation, the formula, Y -Y , divided by X -X is used. The two points taken for the slope are, (150, 850) and (300, 1700). Based on this formula, the

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