Is Intelligence Innate Or Taught?

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Intelligence has remained one of humanity’s greatest debates of all time. Every individual seems to view intelligence in a unique way, which makes it difficult just to find a satisfactory definition of intelligence. In general, intelligence encompasses cognitive processes such as perceiving, planning and problem solving. One aspect of intelligence that attracts many debates is whether it is innate or shaped by the environment. While some might disagree, numerous researches and reasoning have backed up the idea of intelligence being inherent. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that people possess different kinds of intelligence (McKenzie, 1999). This explains why some people find it easy to visualise a problem, while others prefer analysing it in a logical way. In this example, it might be possible teach the person with visual intelligence to be as good at mathematics as the logical person is, however, the basic way that their reasoning works is still different. Intelligence, in this case –the way that one’s mind works, is clearly inborn. Another argument supporting innate intelligence is that gender and intelligence is related (Seal, 1997). While this might be a controversial topic for some, there are many statistical facts on the matter that cannot be argued. Generally, males excel at logical reasoning and spatial relations, while females are better on tests of verbal capabilities and fine dexterity (ibid.). These particular differences either become more distinctive themselves as the person grows up, or orientate the person to enhance them in his education (ibid.). This proves that intelligence orientation is not influenced by the environment. It is often argued that hardworking is more important than talent in one’s achievements. While this is true, it is important to recognise that hardworking results from the passion of a person
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