How Does The Motivation Factor Differ In Young Lea

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How does the motivation factor differ in young learners and adults? Young learners - The learning style of young learners is different as compared to adults. Initially young learners would go to a school or a learning environment because their parents or caregivers have sent them there. Young learners are very open to new ideas. They will learn what is taught to them by their teachers. They enjoy challenges because they are learning and not competing. They see their teacher as a role model who gives them information. It is very important to keep young learns interested and motivated in whatever activity you have planned for them. If they enjoy the activity they will absorb it quickly. Young learners usually have a fairly short attention span, are curious and are full of energy; therefore, it is important to keep the class active and motivated - changing activities often and using interactive fun activities. It is also very challenging to keep young learners motivated. Children are often very demanding, needing the teacher’s attention. They love praise and recognition for their ideas. It is important for the teacher to get to know the young learners and to draw on their ideas, strengths and interests. If the teacher can build on the their skills, it will make them feel important and increase their self-confidence. Adult learners on the other hand are more self-directed and will take learning seriously, as they are investing in their own education. Adults usually have a purpose in learning and need to see the personal value or reward in taking the classes. Attendance problems are not usually a problem with adults as they are usually there because they want to be. Learning is their Choice. Thus they are self-motivated. Although adults learn slower than young learners, they bring many years of life experiences to classes. These experiences and the knowledge
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