The Importance Of Educational Technology

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Assignment 2 Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. (Prensky, 2001) Name: Moya-Dean Walcott Subject: Education Course: Educational Technology Facilitators: Mrs. R. Smith Mrs. I. Reynolds-Saulter Date: 23-Oct-12 Twenty First Century Learners Assignment 1 Moya-Dean Walcott Shortwood Teachers’ College Our students today are molded by their environment. This twenty-first century environment is one which is electronic and digital. It is filled with various forms of technology, including cellular phones, computers, hand held gaming devices and the internet. As such our students are twenty-first century learners - digital learners. They, in essence,…show more content…
The each school administration will have to develop a policy which would feature components aimed at implementing technology in the school. A major concern is that not all schools can afford to implement new technology and the resources available at some schools are not of an adequate amount to benefit all students. This policy would need to entail how computers etc. would be entailed, the length of time it would take to do so and how these technologies will be distributed. The policy should make plans to ensure that each class is introduced to the technology in order for each student to benefit from it. The policy will also need to make preparations for the training of teachers so the will be able to effectively integrate technology in their lessons. Principally, the changes observed in our twenty-first century students would requires new policies to be put in place, or existing policies to be altered to see technologies being employed at schools and students benefitting from these…show more content…
One such way is the use of technology for simulations and models. Technology can be used can be used to demonstrate technical topics which are hard to understand. For example the way sound travels in space or the way matter gains and loses energy can be described by the teacher but the concepts are not grasped by the students. Some students understand easily by simply hearing the content but others may need to see a demonstration in order to understand. The teacher could therefore use a video to show the movement of small particles in order to demonstrate how energy is transferred or a simulation to show how waves move in order to make
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