Freud And Piaget: Comparing And Contrasting a Psyc

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Freud and Piaget: Comparing and Contrasting a Psychoanalytical and CognitiveTheory of Human Development-Jaime Lee MitchellExamining the Freudian view of human development, it is seen that the mainfocus characterizing human development is one of a primitive and sexual nature.Freud defines the “id” as part of the mind focused on the primitive self, one thatremains unconscious and is the source of instinctual impulses as well as thedemands of basic primitive needs. Freud explains that the mind of an infantconsists only of the id, driving the basic needs for comfort, food, warmth, etcetera. Later in development, as a child experiences the demands andconstrictions of reality, the ego is formed. The ego can be defined as theimmediate branch between consciousness and reality therefore, controlling thoughtand behavior. In late pre-school years a child then develops what is called asuperego, or simply put, a conscience. At this stage values are internalized, andthe intricate connection between the id, ego, and superego ensues. The superegocomes into account when the id and ego desire to be expressed. In order for thechild to successfully continue developing, Freud believed that at each stage oflife, tension need be expelled. This was possible through pleasure of differentorgans of the body including the mouth, anus, and genitalia. Five stages areincluded in this theory including the oral stage, where the focus of pleasure isthrough chewing, sucking, or biting. The second stage, or the anal stage, allowspleasure through the ability to control the bowels. Next, there is the phallicstage, which is pleasure and discharge of tension through manipulation of thegenitals. Then, there is what is called the latency period, which is quitedifferent from those discussed previously. During this time, sexuality issublimated so that social and intellectual skills have the opportunity to
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