Confidentiality In a Substance Abuse Treatment Set

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Confidentiality in a Substance Abuse Treatment Setting: James Oeser Professional Addictions Counseling Camden County College October 19, 2011 Professor Jones Confidentiality in a Substance Abuse Treatment Setting: Abstract There are many ethical dilemmas that may arise in a substance abuse setting. One of the most important is that of confidentiality. There are numerous issues that can arise if a client’s right to confidentiality has been breached. There have to be a set of standards and a step by step process to address any confidentiality issues that may arise. We must remember that we are here to help others and building trust is paramount to that process. A great many have been injured by the release of information that was private to an individual. One must also consider the agency and how the release of information could do tremendous harm not only to the agency but also to the employees and clients as well. A strong protocol must be established and followed to the letter. Each step must be properly documented as we know if it is not on paper it never happened. By documenting everything we protect the client, the agency, and our selves. Keywords: Protocol, document, confidentiality, standards Confidentiality in a Substance Abuse Treatment Setting: While there are many ethical dilemmas that can plague a substance abuse treatment center, confidentiality is one of the biggest issues counselors and agencies face these days. Patient confidentiality helps to establish the trust that is crucial in any therapeutic relationship involving practitioners and patients in drug treatment centers. Drug treatment centers must take into account that addiction is a multidimensional disorder. In addition to the physiological effects of addiction, there are social and psychological implications that drug treatment centers must take into consideration. A

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