2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

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On Sunday, December 26, 2004 there was a severe earthquake in the Indian Ocean. It took place off the coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The cause of the Tsunami was an under water earthquake no one expected. This earthquake was so strong it affected the rotation of the earth. It measured a 9.0 on the Richter scale and released huge amounts of energy. It was so powerful it traveled 3,000 miles within seven hours. This underwater earthquake was so strong, it resulted in a Tsunami causing waves about 10 meters high. When it reached costal waters it caused massive destruction when it hit land. Without any warning, it crashed into the shore many of the people were so shocked by such an event, most of the people just stopped and stared, not thinking about how powerful it was and how quickly it can take you down. Many of these people were killed or traumatized by the tsunami. It is a natural disaster that will never be forgotten. Immediately after the tragic tsunami hit the news, many countries started providing aid to those areas affected by the tsunami. Billions of dollars were given to help with anything needed. Many people started giving water, because all the water had been contaminated and was not healthy to drink. The huge amount of human and physical damage caused by this natural disaster will take a long time to recover from. Rebuilding will be a long drawn out process because of all the contaminated water, debris left behind, dead bodies and people living without food or
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