Beck's Cognitive Theory Of Depression In

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Behavioral-Cognitive Tools Beck Depression Inventory Cognitive interventions are a set of techniques and therapies practiced in counseling. Cognitive intervention is based largely on the social learning theory. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck are largely the ones given credit to cognitive intervention. Cognitive interventions emphasize the role of learning and adaptation to the environment both in shaping and maintaining normal life functions. In essence, these approaches focus on behavior as important in its own right and often seek to change instances of disordered behavior via the application of clearly articulated basic principles of learning. Aaron Beck developed a series of questions to measure the intensity, severity, and depth of depression in patients with psychiatric diagnoses. This set of questions has helped many therapists determine the need for further medical treatment. This tool is widely used in cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr Aaron T. Beck Aaron T. Beck started training as psychoanalysis alongside Albert Ellis. Beck researched depression under the psychoanalytical with the understanding that depression stemmed from anger turned against oneself. Although Beck began his work in the area of depression, latterly he had begun to work with Borderline Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia (Ridgway, 2005). Beck said that negative automatic thoughts, generated by dysfunctional beliefs, were the cause of depressive symptoms, and not vice versa. The main argument that Beck had was that depression started by the view one’s self image, instead of one having a negative view of them because of depression (Allen, 2003). Beck believed that systematic errors in logical thinking caused depression. These thoughts were understood to be ‘automatic’, derived from generalizations of past experience (Ridgway, 2005). Historical Development of the Beck Depression
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