Socially the war was not revolutionary because, there was still that one race that was not treated like they belonged and felt like they were taking up space. Politically the war was not revolutionary because, the imprisoned slaves were not allowed to be apart of the Declaration of Independence. Therefore Revolution was both revolutionary and not revolutionary because, of the three stated topics above. The American Revolution was the most important event in the history of the world since the birth of Christ,-stated by Richard Price. The Revolution was revolutionary based on economic factors because, as apart of the empire the colonies were protected from foreign invasion by the British military.
Through the use of their own specifically chosen terms, the Party uses slogans like “WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. (4, Orwell)” to engrave their very meaning, INGSOC, into the minds of every citizen in Oceania. Propaganda doesn't have to be true, it simply has to be believed by a masses of individuals. The Party slogans are some of the best examples of propaganda in 1984. The slogans are true to the people of Oceania, even as irrational as they seem.
It Probably seems that one of the biggest issues we have today in the world might be the loss of the private self, But what we do everyday and the experience we have is what i think defines us as a society. Just as how the world state used “feelies” to escape from their lives, us personally as a society also do this through consuming media through many things such as television and the internet. . As Huxley’s London played endless games of Centrifugal Bumble-puppy and Obstacle Golf, we buy up (and throw out) countless Xboxes and Playstations etc. And also how the people of Brave New World used plentiful, casual sex as a source of simple pleasure, do we use sex to market and to entice?
In order for the government to obtain full control over their citizens is to keep them in heavy supervision. They do this by relying heavily in technology. Mainly the party/government relies on telescreens, these huge screens act as televisions by also functioning as a camera on disguise keeping a close eye on everybody. Society here is in constant
1984’s World vs. Today’s World At first glance George Orwell’s 1984 may just seem to be a strange, parallel world; however, if you take the time to think about it the two worlds are not all that different. Many ideas written in 1984 have been adapted to many of today’s governments and society to a less harsh version. America is known to be a free country with equal and fair rights for everyone, but at a second glance you can easily see the similarities with the strict totalitarian government in Oceania. Today people may not go around speaking in Newspeak, but we cannot choose to ignore the similarities between the worlds. Oceania had telescreens that saw and heard everything everyone did, “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen.
At the end of the conflict, all of the involved countries were technically able to claim some kind of success or benefit. However, no country achieved its original goal, for example, USA still had poor relations with other countries that they wanted to make peace with and communism was still not contained. To make matters worse all countries had significant human, economic, physical, or political damages. The USA claimed minor success by containing communism to an extent, protecting democracy in South Korea, and protecting Japan and its related US interests. Additionally the conflict in Korea allowed the USA to demonstrate its military capabilities to the world, as Kennedy said, he wanted to prove America’s credibility and Vietnam was the perfect place to illustrate this and, in the bigger picture, help to increase UN credibility.
The freedom that is offer in America seems so endless because it has so many. The first freedom that comes to mind is the freedom to speech; America can freely express what inside without the worries of getting in trouble with the government. The citizens can go out and strike for better pay and the government wouldn’t arrest anyone. Furthermore American has the freedom of petition; citizen of America can call forth any cause and bring it up to the government and it will be discussed to find the best option for both parties; as for Vietnam the government doesn’t listen to the citizens. Government has the last say to everything what has been issue will not be change.
It evolve over time and President George W. Bush’s "Terrorist Surveillance Program" had created PRISM. This program gave NSA access to “Big Data” like phone’s metadata and data that are sent over the internet (Gellman B and Poitras L). This issue became aware to the public at June 6th, 2013, when Edward Snowden revealed to the items to The Guardian.
Is the 2nd Amendment Worth Saving? Is the 2nd Amendment Worth Saving? “Good people don’t need laws to tell them to act responsibly… and bad people will find a way around the laws.” – Plato “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” - Thomas Jefferson “The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed, which Americans possess over the people of almost every nation… (Where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” - James Madison -The Federalist Sandy Hook: Littleton, Colorado (Columbine): Newtown, Connecticut. These names strike fear in to anyone who was alive to hear about them as they happened. These were mass shootings in very public places, schools.
Many of the states were concerned about the government having too much power, and by allowing the citizens more power than just what was stated in the Bill of Rights, it ensures that the government will remain in check. The tenth amendment took power away from the federal government and gave more power to the states. This is what makes the American constitution so unique because it restricts the main government, unlike how it was in Britain. This was the most important addition to many representatives, as they would not sign the constitution because they feared the government would overpower the states, and it would be a repeat of everything they were trying to free themselves from. Luckily, the tenth amendment has made sure that will never