1984 Brave New World Comparison

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1984 Versus Brave New World Both 1984 and Brave New World are unique novels about fictional dystopias imagined by their authors. Men who had experienced large-scale war in the twentieth century wrote both novels. Disillusioned and alarmed by what they saw in society, Huxley and Orwell both produced powerful satires with an alarming vision of future possibilities. Although the two books are very different, they address many of the same issues in contrasting ways. Because they are dystopias, they have several similarities such as the societal view on relationships and sex, the government, and society as a whole. There wouldn’t be two separate books, though, if these similarities weren’t accompanied by numerous differences. There are some pretty distinct differences such as the point of view of the story, the successfulness of the governments, and the plot as a whole; however, there are many, many more which are not quite as evident. The first major similarity between the two novels is that of their viewpoint on relationships and in particular, sex. In both societies, relationships, including love or feelings of any kind, are strongly looked down upon. In 1984, the only reason the people can have sex, even with your spouse, is to make children and you are not supposed to receive any joy out of it whatsoever. Children are taught this, among other things, at very young age. They are brainwashed into believing that it is a terrible, shameful sin. Some children are spies and can grow up to be a part of the Junior anti-sex league as well, where they monitor things to make sure that everyone keeps in accordance with the laws and understandings. In Brave New World, however, this issue is addressed differently. Sex is not used for reproduction because all children are genetically engineered in test tubes in a lab. The use of sex is purely to relieve urges. Contrary to the
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