Nature Vs. Nurture

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This essay shall be discussing the two following questions regarding the nurture nature debate.. (A) What is the evidence for the claim that genes are important predictors of human characteristics? What is the evidence that environment plays a major role in human development? Describe the interaction between genetic and environmental influences. (B) Describe three important contributions Freud made to the field of human development. How does early childhood attachment affect child development? Describe the relationship between temperament and 'best fit' parenting. Does kids develop their characteristics through their genetic makeup or by the environment and parenting? These questions present a never-ending debate, presented by two campaigns: the behaviorists who believe that nurture plays the main role in shaping the children’s behaviours and future outcomes; and the geneticists who believe that the genetic makeup is the blueprint of children’s behavior towards which the parents can do very little. Evidence for both campaigns will be presented in this article, and the interaction between both sides will be described. Evidence for Nature: Children raised away from their parents behave seems to inherit much of the characteristics of their parents, even if they have not seen them, for example, my cousin whose father passed away when he was in his early childhood, behaves in many situations much like his dad in laughing, eating and even in the way he walks. Siblings raised in the same environment respond differently to the same stimuli, for example, my food preference is totally different than my brothers’, though we are brought up in the same environment and have been introduced to the same food through out our lives. To extend this fact, Dr. Segal’s research on virtual twins has affirmed that nature has a greater influence on the twins’

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