Personal Narrative Essay: Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow

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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow It’s interesting how even the best laid plans have a way of changing when you least expect it. Experience has taught me that everything happens for a reason and that while we don’t always pick our circumstances, we choose how we respond to them, and it’s that response that determines how the circumstances will affect or change us. I suppose each situation would dictate if the change was for the better or worse, but changes happen without a doubt. From youth through adulthood we make conscious and unconscious decisions daily and it’s the subsequent days where we deal with the outcome of those decisions. It’s the reasoning that goes into the decision that helps ensure a positive outcome. As a young person I thought I knew exactly where my life was going and how I was going to get there. I wasn’t prepared for the fateful night that changed my life forever. I grew up in what I thought was your typical family. My parents were still married, in a time when it seemed more popular to be in a single parent home. I can recall being the only girl in my circle of friends that lived with both of her parents. There were several with step-parents, but no others, except my older sister Mary, like me in that respect. I considered myself lucky, but in the minority. Both of my parents worked, so Mary and…show more content…
I had applied to dozens of schools and had the chance to choose from some of the best universities in Southern California. I remember the day my first acceptance letter came, my mother said, “You better get a good job because I can’t afford that.” I saw my dreams withering away before my eyes. My heart was broken and my dreams were crushed. I had to make some changes in my master plan. My grades were not good enough to get a scholarship and if my parents weren’t going to help me pay for a university, then I would have to settle for a junior

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