Father & Homosexual Son Relationship

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Seutter, R. and Rovers, M. (2004). Emotionally Absent Fathers: Furthering the Understanding of Homosexuality. Journal of Psychology and Theology. Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University. Period of Data Gathering | Research Method (s) | Research Sites(s) | Research Participants/Data Source | Research Objectives | Results per Objective | General Remarks of Reviewer | (unspecified) | Structured questionnaire were sent to the whole population of 455 Roman Catholic Seminarians | Canada | 154 seminarians across all regions in Canada | * Explore the levels of emotional closeness and/or distance with their fathers and mothers, measured in terms of intimacy and intimidation, achieved by male Catholic Seminarians in Canada | * Significant difference were found on intimacy with father scale between seminarians who identified their sexual orientation as homosexual and heterosexual * No significant differences were found on the intimacy with mother scale * No significant difference were found on both intimidation scale | “Weak Father” theory – parental psychopathology was the cause of homosexuality (Bieber et.al, 1962); distant or hostile fatherHomosexuality may be the result of disturbances in the preoedipal phase and therefore a reflection of developmental arrest (Socarides, 1978, 1990)Nicolosi (1991) concluded that there is support for the concept that the primary dynamic behind male homosexual desire is the failure of the father-son relationship, stating that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexual to have had distant, hostile, or rejecting childhood relationship with fathers or father figures. A man is looking for emotional connectedness with his father through homosexual behaviorAlexander adds that it may not be so much that gay men’s early relationship[s] with their fathers were unfulfilling, but rather that the relationship they have always
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