Nightmares And Night Terrors

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NIGHTMARES AND NIGHT TERRORS When we talk about dreams, nightmares and night terrors, we enter to a fascinate and mysterious world where the rules of reality do not apply. Many philosophers and researchers dedicated great part of their lives trying to understand the cause and interpretation of dreams, they dedicated their knowledge to help people find the key to unlocking and make sense to their dreams. They appeared to have a religious connotation; nearly all the world religions share the belief that some dreams are true revelations of the divine, bringing people into direct contact with some kind of transpersonal being, force o reality. Not all dreams, off course, have that kind of power, most of our dreams are related to our daily lives and have not unusual divine message. However almost everyone recognize having at least one a different dream, those kinds of dreams that they never forget. Psychologist Carl Jung referred to these momentous experiences as a “ big dreams “ and he said that such dreams could, if people learned to appreciate and interpreted their meanings , become “ the richest jewel in the treasure-house Of the soul “unfortunately most of the people has no idea of what to think or where this experiences came from, they usually think that something is very Wrong with them and ask them “Whether I was awake or asleep “(K. Bulkeley 2002) Dreams can be pleasant, unpleasant or terrifying, those unpleasant dreams are often referred to as "nightmares" and it is wise to learn to distinguish between them. Nightmares are dreams of anxiety, fear and horror. Most of what we call nightmares are simply extreme reactions and fear that accompany uncomfortable dreams that occur from time to time in most everyone, usually towards the end of the sleep cycle. The word nightmares is derived from an Anglo- Saxon word “maere” used to describe an evil spirit
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