Contraindications Essay

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The contraindications for hypnosis One of the contraindications for hypnosis is Epilepsy. A condition which occurs when there is a sudden brief change in how the brain works. When a person is having a seizure, their consciousness movement or actions may be altered for a short time. Epilepsy can be controlled with medication but not cured. Some forms of Epilepsy are confined to a particular stage of childhood. There is a risk of increased seizure activity if hypnosis is used on the client. Psychosis is also contraindication. Psychosis is associated with illnesses that affect the brain. It’s a term used to describe a state of mind in which the individual experiences a distortion or loss of contact with reality. Psychosis can be caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. An example of psychosis is schizophrenia. The causes for schizophrenia are not fully understood, but it is an illness. It affects the normal functioning of the brain and interferes with a person’s ability to think. It’s a medical condition and usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood. Hypnosis has the potential to feed into a psychotic state and it is best that hypnosis is not used. Depression is a condition that is regarded as contraindicated. It significantly affects the way a person feels and can interfere with every day life functioning. There are a variety of symptoms that affect everyone in different ways. Depression can be a reaction to a distressing situation like a loss, or stress, or can be part of an illness like Bipolar in which a person experiences extreme moods without any reason. It can be totally unrelated to any outside cause, but associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain. Hypnosis can be helpful for mild cases of depression, but anything else should be referred to an experienced Therapist or Doctor.
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