Reflection On Citizenship

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Reflection on Citizenship Ms. Way Elizabeth Brady February 20, 2012 In this class, Introduction to Psychology, we were presented the Franciscan Values of our University. All five of these values have lasted all throughout the Alvernia heritage. They give all of us positive way to connect with the community a way to connect with our Creator. These values are used in my everyday life with decision making, for my personal development and relationships with others. In this class I have used the five values; respect, responsibility, academic integrity, impartiality and equality, within this psychology class. I believe that I could be more respectful in this class at times. When I see that the class has gone a couple minutes over the scheduled time, I begin to pack up my books because I have a class right afterwards that I do not want to be late to. This can be distracting to the professor who is trying to fit in the last words and the students who are trying to listen. Although I may not participate often in this class, I am very respectful towards those who answer questions or make comments. I believe that everyone in the class room is very respectful as well. I have come to every class so far and was never late. Being on time is such a vital part of being respectful to your teacher and your classmates. You want to show the teacher that you are responsible enough to plan accordingly to get to class and you do not want to interrupt the class for the other students. When we work in our “Think-Pair-Share” groups, I feel very responsible. I always have my book ready and open to use, and if others around me do not have their book with them I am willingly ready to share. When we have discussions with each other, I feel like I can better explain terms or concepts to my partners to help them better understand. I always come to class with questions for other students

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