Discuss The Psychodynamic Approach.

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Discuss the psychodynamic approach. Refer to another approach in your answer. The psychodynamic approach began with and is largely based on the ideas and theories of the psychologist Sigmund Freud. Since his institution of the psychoanalytical theory, it has been expanded on by other psychologists such as Erik Erikson. This was also the first “real” form of psychology (i.e. studying people’s behaviours and looking for their causes), which lead to the gradual expansion of psychology as a study itself. One the most basic assumptions of this approach is that our experiences in early childhood determine particular personality traits of ours as adults, as well as our general behavioural patterns and ways of thinking. Another assumption would be that the majority of our behaviour and personality is determined by unconscious motives. It is the product of an unconscious mind being driven by its most basic desires and emotions in coaction with our traits determined by our early childhood experiences. The other main assumption of the Psychodynamic approach is that our personality is made up of three conflicting elements – The Id, the Ego, and the Superego. These three elements make up the “structure of personality”, as Freud explained it. He states that the Id exists in the unconscious mind and is concerned with instant gratification as it is controlled be instinctual forces. This element is innate – it is present from birth. The superego, or the morality principle, is the conscience of the mind- it understands right from wrong. It is in constant conflict with the Id, and develops during the phallic stage of psychosexual development. The third element, the Ego, acts as a mediator between the two and at times uses defence mechanisms to shield the conscious from the Id and its desires. Freud also proposed a theory he understood to be the “structure of the mind”. This
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