Growth And Change In Adolescense

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Growth and Change in Adolescence Michelle Crain, Brian Junior, Bettye Gayfield, Teralisa Brewer, and Lycinda Johnson Life Span Development October 18, 2011 Stanley K. Ellis Growth and Change In Adolescence Growing up is a difficult process through middle childhood and adolescence. Cognitive, physical, and psychological changes are occurring at a rapid rate during this phase of growth. Peer relationships in middle childhood and adolescence set the groundwork for future growth. In the following paragraphs, adolescent egocentrisms are discussed along with how it affects a person’s attitude during this phase of development. Examining the challenges adolescents face such as peer pressure, substance use, dating, sexuality, and changes in family relationships are important in understanding adolescents and their attitudes. One’s actions, thoughts, behaviors, friends, and family perceptions in adolescence establish the foundation for which one becomes as an adult. When change from one’s normal routine happens, shock can be a common reaction. This is especially true for children as they transition from a youngster into the adolescent stage of development. The changes that come along with this transition in life can bring about a wide range of emotions. This is often a difficult period for children because these changes can bring about stress. Many changes in peer relationships occur during this time. In childhood many friendships are a result of convenience, such as who lives nearby or who has a favorite toy a child likes to play with. In adolescence, friends arise out of commonality. This type of change can cause adolescents to exclude their childhood friends as they grow. Because relationships at this stage are the beginning of emotional connectivity, a feeling of betrayal is common when adolescents believe they
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