The Oedipus Complex: Recognizing The Missing Piece

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Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, has been incredibly influential in the discipline of psychology, paving the way for the field of psychoanalysis. His theories focus on the unconscious mind, which he believed had three components: the id, the ego, and the superego. All of our primitive desires and thoughts came from the id and the id’s desires needed to be satisfied somehow. Freud placed a large emphasis on the sexual drive, which he called the “libido”, and one’s need to take care of this drive. He believed sexual energy that was fixated or stuck was the cause of most psychological problems. One of his most debated ideas related to the unconscious mind involve Freud’s theories on infantile sexuality. Children were not exempt from the human body’s desire for sexual pleasure and an unresolved conflict in a sexual development stage in childhood could lead to neurosis for the rest of one’s life. This theory is revolutionary because Freud is the first to ever speculate about the normalcy of childhood sexual impulses (Hall, 1954). More importantly, out of this theory was where Freud developed his concept of the Oedipus and Electra complexes. Originating from the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, these theories state that children are jealous or their same sex parent and desire to sexually be with the parent of the opposite sex. When boys discover the anatomical differences between males and females, they fear that females are castrated males and that their incestuous thoughts will cause their father to harm them (Freud, 1962). The superego intervenes and instead the boy tries to emulate his father to have a better chance of eventually winning his mother over. These complexes supposedly remain with individuals for life and one is continually trying to resolve this conflict in their adult relationships (Hall, 1954). Freud’s psychosexual theories and Oedipus complex are
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