Be a Person With Charming Personality:

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Second draft, Assignment Ⅵ 0902,20091204 Dec 9 Be a person with Charming Personality: Not Appearance but Character determines one’s Outcome in love, job It is an undeniable fact that many young people have problems with their appearance since they believe that good-looking people are more popular with members of the opposite sex and some surveys suggest that they're more successful in their careers. Therefore those young people resort to cosmetic surgery for a better appearance in order to have beautiful lovers, decent jobs, and self-confidence. They are too worried about their faces and bodies. However, in my opinion, though appearance indeed affects one’s life significantly, it is one’s character and temperament that essentially determine his or her ultimate outcome in love, jobs. So be a person with charming personality. Beauty fades, Character doesn’t As I have mentioned above, one’s character and temperament play a vital role in love. Therefore, we should figure out that between personality and appearance, which affect us more? In my point of view, I believe personality is more important than physical appearance. The charming characters are more essential than his or her appearance. As for love, charming characters are those characters that can inspire devotion in others, etc. agreeableness, kindness, and humor. However, some may question me that how it could be possible that one’s temperament is more vital than one’s appearance if lovers are disgusted by their partner’s face. As for this question, William Grimm gave his answer in his fairytale, Prince Charming, which tells us a story about a prince who was cursed by a witch fell in love with a princess. Although the cursed prince remains a frog-like body, the princess still loves the prince, which indicates metaphorically that personality is the essential factor of love. 1/6 Second
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