Body Language Essay

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TOPIC: Body Language ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: Topical SPECIFIC PURPOSE: The purpose of my speech is to inform the audience how powerful the use of Body Language is. PRIMARY AUDIENCE OUTCOME: I would like my audience to observe the messages being delivered to them by reading peoples body gestures. THESIS STATEMENT: I am going to inform my audience on how body language is effective tool in everyday interactions with others. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION GETTER: Body Movement, gestures (arms, legs, hands, head torso), posture, muscle tension, eye contact, skin colouring (flashy red), even people's breathing rate and perspiration. Pupil size, distance, smell, clothing, facial expressions, touch, aggression..(monotone) All added to the words being used...(write on white-board) "Body Language" PSYCHOLOGICAL ORIENTATION: According to Human Research and Modern Communication Science, everyone in every second of everyday speak their emotions through the conscious or subconcious use of their bodies. LOGICAL ORIENTATION: Today i am going to inform you on how body language is an effective tool in everyday interactions with others. 1) First, We will discuss the importance of non-verbal communication 2) Next, i will show you how to tap into a persons mind by reading body language. 3) Finally, I will teach you how to display attraction, and create the image you want through the use of Body Language. I. Using non-verbal communication is a powerful tool that will help you build better relationships anywhere you go. A.The main purpose of the spoken word is to convey information, facts, and data, whereas body language is designed to relay attitudes, feelings, thoughts and emotions. i. UCLA's Professor Albert Mehrabian's study shows that, 7% of the message is conveyed through your words, 38% is revealed through your vocal quality, and 55% of your message comes
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