12 Angry Men Mid-Term

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12 Angry Men, Mid-term Case Study Paper PROC 5840 – Negotiations April 26, 2014 Table of Contents Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………... 2 Major Cases Issues ……………………………………………………………………… 3 - 4 Analysis of Juror Eight ………………………………………………………….………. 5 - 9 Negotiation Techniques used in Personal and Business Life ………...…………….... 10 – 14 Analysis of Juror Four ………………………………………………….………….… 15 – 17 Analysis of Juror Nine …………………………………………………………….………. 18 Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………………. 19 Major Case Issues A few major case issues were defined at the jury table in the capital murder case against an eighteen years old man. Past History of the defendant: He suffered 18 years of a “miserable life”, “kicked around all his life”. His mother dead since the age of 9, he was in an orphanage a year and a half while his father was in jail for perjury. Then he became the victim of his abusive father who beat him every chance he got. From this he became a “wild angry kid”. It was stated he was a product of his neighborhood and from that developed a rap sheet. One of the jurors’ ran down his criminal record: at ten threw a rock at his teacher, at 15 in a reform school because he committed a robbery, stole a car, muggings, and two (2) arrests were for knife fighting. His ethnicity, criminal past, and where he was from convinced 11 out 12 jurors that he was guilty from the beginning. Defense Team: With the defense team the defendant had, he looked guilty. The defense team was not thorough enough. His own attorney didn’t care for him and it showed in the defense. The defense team should have been taking the prosecution witnesses down, but instead the witnesses looked so “positive”. The prosecution case was built on two (2) witnesses. If the defendant knew any better he would have fired his representation for “stupidity”. Weapon (knife):

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