12 Angry Men

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12 Angry Men is a 1957 American drama film. This film is about 12 jurors debating in a very hot and uncomfortable room about an 18 yr old boy who has been accused of stabbing and killing his father. Juror #8 the assumed “protagonist” test the well know police statement, “Innocent until proven guilty.” As they deliberate for hours, different jurors’ characteristics start to appear and begin to bump heads. In this paper, the plot, characters, ideas/thoughts/themes, language/dialog, music and spectacle will be described. The characters in this film were very diverse and were from so many different walks of life. Juror #1 was the foreman. He was the “organizer” of the group, and to me was somewhat nonchalant. He basically just wanted to vote and get it over with, but knew he couldn’t because he was in charge of the whole thing. Juror #2 was a very frantic and nervous type of guy. In the beginning he voted the boy guilty, but by the end of the film his reasonable doubt had him opposed to that previous notion. Juror #3 was the assumed “antagonist” which fits his character very well. He was all for the young boy’s execution the whole time until he glanced at a picture that held some type of symbolism to him when he finally broke down and voted innocent. Juror #4 the Wall Street guy was very analytical about his vote. For the most part of the movie he didn’t sweat despite the fact that it was extremely hot in the room and that he had on a full suit. He was settled that the boy was guilty until Juror #8 and some others convinced him. Juror #5 was the gentleman from the slums. He really didn’t show his past, so you would have never guessed that he was. Towards the middle of the film he started to reach out more and make his opinions known. Juror #6 was the hard working gentleman. He was the one that was always quick to jump back at Juror #3 when he got out of hand.
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