Multy Store Memory

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Outline and Evaluate the Multi Store Model of Memory. ‘Outline and evaluate the multi-store model of memory’ 12 Marks Created by Atkinson and Shriffin in 1968, the multi-store model proposes that memory consists of three ‘stores’. Information from around us (sensory input) initially goes into the sensory memory store. A lot of what goes into the sensory memory store we don’t even realise: things we see around us, sights, smells, everyday things. But, if you pay attention to these details, they will go into your short-term memory store. This short term memory store only has a limited capacity (the amount of information it can take) and duration (the length of time it can hold this information for), which means that either it is lost, or it is transferred into the long-term memory store. In order to do this, we need to rehearse it, for example, when you revise for exams, you go over things again and again, in order to store the information in your long-term memory, and remember it in the future. However, in everyday life, remembering things such as a particular smell isn’t something which you need to do repeatedly in order to remember it, which suggests that the model lacks mundane realism. In day to day life, we don’t spend time rehearsing information, which begs the question; does information have to pass through your short term memory store and then be rehearsed to reach your long term memory store? Furthermore, this model does not account for differences between implicit and explicit memory in the long term stage. Implicit is the ability to remember things which you may have learnt naturally, such as the names of colleagues and explicit is the ability to remember things which you have been specifically asked to learn and rehearse, such as recalling a list of information given to you. In spite of this, other psychologists, such as Peterson and Peterson,

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