All Of Human Communication Is Blackmail

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ALL OF Human COMMUNICATION IS BLACKMAIL I AGREE-----We humans are social beings and cannot survive without our social network. To survive together we have evolved a method of communication. Communication as we understand is not only verbal but non-verbal too. Communication is the means of passing information to one another. Being emotional by nature humans constantly require attention and acknowledgment, it is important for their wellbeing. It all starts at birth the baby recognizes a mother’s voice and her touch, the moment the baby cries and the baby feels the touch of her mother’s hand she feels comforted and safe and stops crying immediately. As we go through childhood we constantly thrive on approval of parents, teachers, friends and family. If a child comes from a troubled back ground where they are not heard or understood they usually grow up with psychological problems. It does not end here through life we look for companionship and the need to be loved, be it family and friends. As we grow older our boyfriends and husband and as we become mothers our children too. Many say a mother and child relationship is one of compassion the highest form of Love humans know. But does not a mother too look for approval and love from her child? Communication is so important in our lives to co-exist with one another. All living things use their own methods of communication. How many people do you know of who live solitary lives? But they to, require to communicate at times. Therefore when we make a statement “all of communication is blackmail” we are actually extorting a response or reaction from the

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