“Evaluate The Claim That Person- Centered Therapy

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In this essay I aim to evaluate the claim that the person centered approach is all that a therapist needs to treat a client. I will do this by discussing the key elements and core conditions of this approach. I will also discuss any criticisms and praises I feel about this approach. So far in my research I feel there are more strengths then weaknesses in this approach, however as I continue with my research and discover more, this may change. Once I have discussed the key elements to this approach and the strengths and weaknesses of it. I will state my opinion of this approach as to whether I feel that it is all a therapist needs to treat a client. Although I do feel that this approach can be highly effective for most clients, but I am not sure that it’s a fair assessment to say it is always all that is needed. I feel that this would be too much of a generalization. I do however, feel that the person centered approach is very effective in more than just the therapy setting. It can be useful in an educational setting and also in health and social care settings. I work in an elderly care environment and find this approach very effective in offering the highest standard of personalized care to my residents. As a result of this I feel almost bias towards this approach. The person centered approach is a humanistitic approach to psychotherapy. It was developed by a man called Carl Rodgers; Rodgers was born in Illinois in 1902. After earning his PH.D in 1931 from Columbia, Rodgers worked in academia. He then worked as a clinical psychologist in the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was

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