“Evaluate The Claim That Person-Centred Therapy Of

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“Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the Therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients” LOND02S Words: 2705 “Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the Therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients” Person Centred therapy is one of the many theories which are used in the field of psychotherapy and counselling. The first influences of this type of theory was by Carl Roger (1902-1987), he was an influential American psychologist, who along with Abraham Maslow (1908-1970 – Psychologist) was the founder for the humanist approach to clinical psychology. Abraham Maslow known for his thoughts on Self Actualization (see Fig. 1) which was also known as ‘Third Force in psychology’ which means that humanistic psychology emerged as another reaction to behaviourism and psychoanalysis, which were seen as the two major forces in the field. Prior to this ‘third force’ and Maslow it was thought that human behaviour was just a set of behaviours to satisfy the drive for not enough of something. Maslow suggested a range of human needs in a dynamic and changing system, where needs at higher levels would only be addressed when needs at lower levels had been satisfied (See Fig. 1), for example lack of food – feel hungry – seek food and eat model. Carl Rogers’ theory of person-centred therapy embraced the concept of ‘Self Actualization’ which in turn implied that a biological internal force that develops capacities and talents to the fullest. Rogers’ understanding was that for a person to be truly helped, the important healing factor is the relationship itself. Perhaps it would summarise that point being made to say that, by use of Client Centred techniques, a person can implement his respect for others only so far as that respect is an integral part of his personality and make-up; Consequently the person whose operational

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