10 Mary Street Analysis

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How do the poems ’10 Mary Street’ and ‘Feliks Scrzynecki’ explore the impact of home and family on belonging? Reflecting back on his past, poet Peter Skrzynecki explores the positive impacts of home and family on belonging. In his poems ‘10 Mary Street’ and ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’, Skrzynecki retells the story of the persona’s childhood through the perspective of an adult. This allows for the responder to understand the persona’s feelings and emotions about his past and about what it means to belong. While ’10 Mary Street’ explores the importance of the family and the family home on belonging, ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ portrays family and culture as important aspects of belonging. The importance of family and the family home are conveyed in the poem ’10 Mary Street’ as important aspects of belonging. Reflecting back on the 19 years spent with his family in their home, the persona remembers the family’s daily routines and the sense of safety they felt in their suburban home. “We departed/ Each morning, shut the house/ Like a well-oiled lock,/…/ To school and work -” demonstrates the routine carried out by the family on a daily basis. The simile used describes a lock which…show more content…
Being a paean, the persona reflects on his father’s strength and dedication towards producing the garden which fed his family and his admiration towards his father. “I often wondered how he existed/ On five or six hours’ sleep each night -/ Why his arms didn’t fall off” demonstrates the hard-working nature of the father and the persona’s admiration towards his father’s limitless strength and dedication. The exaggeration of “Why his arms didn’t fall off” represents the thoughts of a superman-like figure by a young child as the persona would’ve been at the time. The fathers dedication towards his garden and connection to his home are represented as positive impacts on

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