1. You Have Been Introduced to Several Definitions of Power. How Do These Definitions Help You to Understand Power as You See It Exercised in the World Around You? Please Give Examples to Illustrate Your Answer.

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In this essay I intend to explore the different recognised divisions or ‘faces’ of power in our society and see how they help to form an overall opinion of just how powerful power can be in our society, from ground level decisions to the very top of the chain of command at governmental level. I will first of all try to grasp what power really means to a society and on just how many levels it can operate. I will then study a number of different recognised forms of power and relate them to everyday society. I will then conclude by establishing how these examples of power help me to ‘understand power as (I) see it exercised in the world around.’ Power encompasses so much of what happens around us that it is difficult to allow any one person’s definition or one subdivision of it to tick all the mental boxes we have in our head of what power is. There is a tendency to view power as being in complete control over a certain person, activity, thought or entity but in my opinion it runs much deeper and much more subtly than this. Power can be gained simply by influencing somebody else to do something that without this influence, they wouldn’t have necessarily done. The first main for form of power and the one considered the most important is legitimate or positional power. For me this is the form of power that is most obviously and actively recognised. This is the power that is delegated, in wide ranging amounts, to people who are members of a particular chain of command. In this way it is easily recognisable to members of the public and to others in the chain of command how much power a certain person has by their level of responsibility. In my opinion the level of power someone is perceived to have is a very psychological thing and legitimate power is the most frequently generalised form of power. People judge power purely by assets somebody might have such as a

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