1. Know the Policies and Procedures of the Setting for Promoting Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour.

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1. Know the policies and procedures of the setting for promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour. 1.2 describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. The importance of being fair and consistent it is important that everyone in the setting is both fair and consistent when dealing with children’s and young people’s behaviour. When you are fair and consistent in your response to inappropriate behaviour, the child’s sense of security and knowledge of right from wrong will be reinforced. The adult response to inappropriate behaviour should be the same every time that behaviour occurs. Consistency in applying the boundaries is important, especially in the work setting, where children and young people need to relate to several adults. They will check that the rules have not changed and that they still apply whichever adult is present. If you are supervising an activity, the children will expect you to apply the same rules as other staff. It undermines your own position if you allow unacceptable behaviour and another staff member has to discipline the children you are working with. Setting rules and boundaries if children and young people are to understand what is regarded as acceptable behaviour at home, in the work setting and in society, then they must be given very clear and consistent guidelines. Work settings will have a policy relating to behaviour and discipline, which all staff should follow and which is regularly
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