Assess The Role Played By Robespierre In The French Revolution

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ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH TYPICAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS A LEVEL HISTORY PAPER ONE 1. How far was the financials crisis responsible for the outbreak of the revolution? 2. How and with what results did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy a turning point in the support base of the revolution? 3. “It was more the weakness of the Directory than the character and ability of Napoleon that led to his rise in power”. Discuss. 4. Compare and contrast the contribution of Prussia and Russia to the deaf of Napoleon. 5. Asses the contribution of the Reign of Terror in saving the revolution from the force of reaction both inside and outside France. 6. Who contribution most to the crises of 1789 in France on incompetent King, an ambition nobility…show more content…
How successful did the Directory deals with the internal and external problems of France (1795 – 1799). 10. “Progressive gets dictatorial” Discuss with reference to Napoleon 1. 11. How and what effect did Napoleon control the whole of Europe. Answer: Use of diplomacy, Dynastic policy, Continental system, Intermarriages, use military. 12. How that, Napoleon justified borrowed aspect from Ancient Regime and Revolution ideals. 13. Examine the role played by Robespierre in the French Revolution. 14. Asses the relative importance of Austria, Russia and Britain’s contributions in bringing about the downfall of Napoleon. 15. What does the “Congress System” reveal about the aims and problems of the major European powers between 1815 and 1822? 16. Domestic not foreign issues were the cause of the fall of the Orleanist monarchy in 1848. 17. To what extent was Napoleon 3 a success at home and a failure abroad? 18. “It was not what he did but all that he failed to do that brought about his fall” Discuss this verdict on Louis Phillipe. 19. To what extent did Napoleon 3 reconciliated democracy and autocracy by 1870. 20. “He promised much but he achieved little” Discuss this view of Napoleon 3 in France. 21. When and why did Napoleon 3’s authority in France begin to
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