0william Blake - What Different Versions of God Does the Lamb and the Tyger Represent?

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The Lamb and The Tyger address the same subject: the conception of God. Consider the two different representations of God as presented in each poem, how do the views of God differ? Support your argument with evidence from the poems. Oscar Alexander-Jones In ‘The Lamb’, God represents God in the form of the Lamb, which is typically used to represent Jesus. The poem itself is written in simple, singsong verse, perhaps intending to reflect the simple mind of the child. The child also appears quite incurious by only asking questions to which he thinks he already knows the answer (‘Little lamb who made thee….Little Lamb I’ll tell thee). ‘The Lamb’ can be focuses very much on the side of God that creates and the God as it is understood by the childish mind (in the form of Jesus, meek and mild). There is also a sense of unity between the child and the Lamb (and therefore between the child and God) which is shown by the child’s understanding that He who made the lamb also made the child and a sense of being part of the natural world and the divine world. This idea of unity may also perhaps be a vague reference to the Trinity and the Lamb being Jesus, the child being the Holy Spirit and the creator of them both being the Lord. Blake criticises this interpretation of both the God and the unity with the exterior world as being the product of lack of criticism and the valuing of simplicity over truth. Blake also criticises the lack of application of rationality and reasoning as being infantile and that not questioning your own beliefs and simply being content to believe what you have been taught, as the child is when he says that the Lamb is made by God, is juvenile. He mocks the total certainty of the child that God is good, a certainty that is contrasted with his later poem, ‘The Tyger’, in which many questions are asked and none are answered. ‘The Tyger’ explores an

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