Zinn Questions Essay

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apush zinn questions + Zinn Questions CHAPTER 1, pp. 1-11 1. According to Zinn, what is his main purpose for writing A People’s History of the United States? According to Zinn his main purpose for writing A People’s History of the United States is to detail the whole story of American's history. Not just explain the good things that happened and briefly explaining the bad. He just tells it in the view of a historian. 2. What is Zinn’s thesis for pages 1-11? "My point is not that we must, in telling history, accuse, judge, condemn Columbus in absentia. But the easy acceptance of atrocities as a deplorable but necessary price to pay for progress." 3. According to Zinn, how is Columbus portrayed in traditional history books? According to Zinn Columbus is portrayed as a herioc adventure and no one was killed in most kids books they leave out the part where he brought slaves back with him. They just tell about his ambitious goal to get to China but end up coming to the Americas 4. Why does Zinn dispute Henry Kissinger’s statement: "History is the memory of states?" He disputes Kissinger's statement because according to Zinn, Kissinger ignored the millions who suffered from the statesmen's policies. 5. What is Zinn’s basic criticism of historian Samuel Eliot Morison’s book, Christopher Columbus, Mariner? Zinn states in his book," One can lie about the past. Or one can omit facts which might lead to unacceptable conclusion. Morison does neither." Zinn says that Morison just tells the truth about Columbus, basically. 6. What major issues does Bartolome de las Casas bring up regarding Spanish expeditions in the Caribbean? He says that the Spaniards "grew more conceited every day."The Spanish would use the Natives as like animals doing the things the Spanish wanted them to do, like using the Natives as carriages. 7. Identify one early and one subsequent
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