Youths And Body Art

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Body art, as the name suggests, is art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body1. It is not just limited to just tattoos and body piercings, but also includes scarifications, branding, and body painting etc. It is considered a type of art whereby artists would use their body to bring across a certain kind a message. Tattoos, are markings made on the skin, by injecting colored ink into one’s skin layer (dermis), to alter the skin’s natural color. Tattoos are a form of identification to mark one’s rank or status and sometimes part of a tradition. However, through the decades, tattoos are no longer limited to such traditional uses, and has gained a whole lot of meaning over time. Tattoos are widely used for declaration of love, pledges, devotions, religion, protection, personal beliefs and so much more. There’s a huge controversy regarding tattoos, even in this day and age. Many people relate tattoos with secret societies and gangs. Back in the early 1960s, members of secret societies have tattoos on their forehead or knuckles to identify themselves as part of the group2. Even with the rapid technological advances in Singapore, the relation of tattoos and secret societies are strongly drilled into most people’s minds. In our society, we cannot deny that tattoos are still being regarded negatively. With this, I wonder - why are tattoos so popular among Singapore youths? What do Singapore youths think about tattoos in general? Is it a phrase that every teenager would go through? Does at affect them that the society still does not accept this type of art? Is there any chance that tattoos would be widely accepted in the society? Tattoos are considered to be an art, and there is no age limit to be an artist. One can be 80, and still decide to get a tattoo. However, teenagers being young and naïve, are not mature enough to make wise and informed

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