Young People Should Continue to Live with Their Parents After They Finish Their Education

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Most parents do really think of the best decision for their own loved one future whether they should stay or leave. By the researched that we had seen around us, most parents decided to keep the young one with them when they finish their education for 3 main reasons. The first and most important reason is the stable relationship between both of them. If they always stay together, they won’t be far apart just like an elastic band. However, if the parents let them live far away from them, they won’t be concerning about their parents. For instance, one of my friend’s families had left her son with her sister and went to live in the oversea that made her son thought that their parents didn’t love him so he didn’t even concern about them. Besides, this will affect the parents’ feeling which can end up with a bad relationship. Another reason is the financial. Young people won’t be concerning about the paying services while they are still educating. However, when they have a job they can start to pay some of the utilities just to relive some stress from their parents. For example, the young one can pay only electricity and the others can let their parents pay for it. Moreover, the young people can save their money for their future such as for educating or open a business. Finally, the last reason is responsibility and manners. Most young people are lack of responsibilities and manners such as taking care of their parents, organizing something important, saying something formal or informal and so on. The reason why young people should live with their parents is that parents can train them to be useful people in the society since parents have lots of experiences, otherwise the young one will walk through their wrong path and their future would be ruined. One of the example is a teenager doesn’t know how to take a responsibility of organizing a party which

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