You Receive a Call From a High School Student Name

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Case Project 12-1: You receive a call from a high school student named Marco, who claims he has just received an e-mail from another student threatening to commit suicide. Marco is not sure where the student sent the e-mail from. Write a brief report on how you would proceed, including what you should do first in this situation. Suicide is a huge problem today, especially amongst teens. The un-named student who sent the e-mail, let's just call me Brian for the sake of clarification, took appropriate action by bringing this huge issue to light. The first course of action is to contact law enforcement and have the detectives interview Brian. Assuming the law enforcement team has a computer technician trained to research incoming and outgoing logs on the computer, the tech should be able to pinpoint where the message came from. If the search resulted in a positive find, Brian, the un-named student, would most likely be easier to identify through the host account, his e-mail provider. Once Brian was identified, depending on his age, he should be held for questioning, admitted to the location psychiatric hospital for evaluation, and counseled appropriately for a term determined by him evaluators. Marco, the student who brought this matter to my attention, should be acknowledged in some way. Marco possibly saved the life of his friend. During the course of the investigation led by the local law enforcement agency, the parents of Brian would be interviewed and counseled. When a suicide is in question, all that is associated with the suspect will be affected. Brian will need a huge support group to help his transition to emotional wellness. It’s important for parents, teachers and counselors to become familiar with the facts about teens and young adults, especially when it comes to depression and suicide. When teens’ moods disrupt their ability to

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