You Are What You Eat

686 Words3 Pages
We are what we eat Pasta is associated to Italians, rice to Chinese, beer and sausages to Germans, baguette and red wine to French people etc. Food and drink are very powerful cultural markers but do they really define who we are? I believe that the way we eat is forming actually part of our cultural identity. For example, I'm Belgian and of Moroccan origin, and it is true that I often eat chips and chicken tagine. So it reflects who I am and what I love to eat. Another example: someone who loves animals and prefers to have a pet at home than have a beef steak in his plate can only be a vegetarian. I think our habits and choices concerning the food can show a lot of our personality. I also believe to a certain degree that what we eat may define what we are in terms of health and vitality. The person who prepares a meal before going to work, for example, not only saves money and eats healthier but shows that they care about what they consume in contrary to someone who always eats in fast foods. So I would agree with the fact that you technically are what you eat, but what you eat depends on where you are from. All the different cultures eat different foods, and that is what determines who you are. It can also reflect your habits and what you like to eat and what not. Mais je ne pense pas que ça définit vraiment qui nous sommes. Si t’étais vraiment le cas , ça voudrais dire que je représente un chips géant au paprika ( j’en mange très souvent) La base de cette culture alimentaire est familiale, equand l’enfant apprend les goûts et les conduites alimentaires en regardant et imitant son entourage. Physically, we definitely are what we eat. Those of us who appreciate our bodies fill it with things that stimulate its safety. Sam, I agree that the price and availability of food, as well as our busy schedules, inhibit our ability to always eat healthy.
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