Yanomamo People Essay

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The Yanomamo society possesses a very unique and interesting culture. The culture that this society possesses can be attributed to that of the early men that were on earth and as such can be seen as a reflection of the past in the present. The Yanomamo culture will observed looking at their political, social and economic way of life. In addition to that, the culture will be viewed through the functionalism school of thought in anthropology and my opinion on Chagnon’s work and the Yanomamo society will also be expressed. The Yanomamo political system is very simple but yet effective. There is really no laid down rule and it is controlled by the Head man who is a male member of the Yanomamo society. Any man cannot just take up the position of the village Head man. To be able to become the Head man of the village, the man must come from the largest polygamous family in the village and must prove to have good physical abilities. The opinion of the headman is very important in the state of conflict between two Yanomamo villages. The social life of the Yanomamo people is very interesting but yet complex. Aggression is a very important and common social expression among the people of the Yanomamo society. Aggression in the Yanomamo society brings about respect from other villagers. The more aggressive a male individual is, the more respect he earns. Aggression can be said to be the driving force behind wife-beating in the Yanomamo culture. If a man could beat his wife frequently and severely, it proved that he was strong and his actions will cost him to gain respect among his peers. Aggression in the Yanomamo culture is not only used as a tool to gain respect but it is also used as a tool to settle conflicts in the village. Usually when a conflict occurs, the two parties involved begin to show off strength by beating their chest aggressively and the first person to stop
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