Wuthering Heights Supernatural Elements

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• Emily Bronte has made a lavish use of supernatural elements in her novel Wuthering Heights to create an atmosphere of horror, terror and gloom. Wuthering Heights is replete with numerous supernatural elements which intensifies the brooding atmosphere of the novel. The very opening scene of the novel leaves an impression on our minds that the novel we are going to read will be a sort of horror movie full of uncanny and mysterious elements. Most of the characters are involved in such events which may be regarded as supernatural. • Waking from a violent dream, Mr. Lockwood, who is sleeping in Catherine's bed, sees a ghost. It is a young girl who calls herself Catherine Linton. Mr. Lockwood will not let her in, even though she complains she has been wandering twenty years. It was about twenty years ago that Catherine Linton died, and Heathcliff begged her to haunt him until he died. • Catherine suggests that it was a bad dream, maybe a prophecy. Catherine tells Nelly that she dreamed she was in heaven, and unhappy there. But Nelly stops her then, refusing to hear more. • One day when passing the road to Wuthering Heights, Nelly had a vision. Thinking about Hindley, she saw his young face, with his eyes staring into hers. She suddenly felt a need to go to the Heights, and make sure he was all right. Upon reaching the gates, she saw a boy who matched her phantom. It was Hareton, Hindley's son, whom she had cared for before moving to the Grange. • After Catherine's death, Isabella escapes to the Grange. She wants to leave Heathcliff, who has become mad since Catherine's death. He refuses all company, spending most of his time by the Grange. He is so interested in the dead that Isabella calls him a goblin. She is no longer sure if she married a man, a devil, or a ghost. • Heathcliff also confessed to Nelly that right after Catherine's death he almost dug her up. He
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