Working Memory Model

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Extremely influential model and most psychologists use it in preference to the STM. | WM only concerns itself with STM and is not a comprehensive model of memory. | Research support comes from dual-task studies, although such studies are rather artificial. However patients like KF could remember visual but not verbal stimuli in STM so must be at least two systems in STM. | It is a much more plausible model than the MSM because it explains STM in terms of both temporary storage and active processing. | What is the function of the Central Executive? Least is know about the most important component of Working Memory. It isn’t clear how it works or what it does. This vagueness means that it can be used to explain almost any experimental results. | The capacity of the Central Executive has never been measured. | Physiological evidence exists using studies involving brain scans. PET scans have shown that different areas of the brain are used while undertaking verbal and visual tasks. These areas may correspond to components of WM. | Importance of rehearsal? Working Memory doesn’t overemphasise the importance of rehearsal for STM retention. Rehearsal is just one option within the articulatory loop instead of being the only means of transferring information to the long-term store. | It attempts to explain how memory actually functions. Evidence has been presented that suggests the phonological loop plays a key role in the development of reading and the phonological loop is not operative in some children with dyslexia. This loop helps us comprehend complex text and learn new spoken vocabulary. | Practice time? WM doesn’t explain changes in processing ability that occur as a result of practice or time. | Extremely influential model and most psychologists use it in preference to the STM. | WM only concerns itself with STM and is not a comprehensive model of memory.
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