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P7/m4- working in collaboration with other professionals in early years setting. Why work collaboratively. Collaborative work is primarily about good communication between different professionals, colleagues and parents. It means that services and individuals work together in order to provide services, meet families needs and also keep children safe in child protection cases. The death of Victoria climbie an inquiry was held, led by lord Laming. The inquiry found that doctors and social workers were not sharing information. The Laming inquiry made a number of recommendations, many of which have been acted on and turned into legislation in England, for example, in the Children Act 2004. Since this inquiry there has been a renewed focus on ensuring that services for children and young people are more coordinated. A good example of the improvements would be that local safeguarding boards have been set up in England. These boards work with local early year settings and schools and consist of police, social services and health professionals. There are many benefits of working collaboratively. One of these would be that child abuse can be prevented when different agencies work together and share information. For example, if a child was taken to the doctor and the doctor could see that the child had been bruises that look suspicious. They would be able to report this to social services and police to investigate and hopefully stop the child being abused. An important outcome is the potential for children and families to have efficient support that is organised around their needs. Information sharing also means that parents don’t have to repeat pieces of information about their children every time they meet a new professional. This is beneficial because some of the things they may have shared could be emotional and the parents may not feel able to speak about it
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