Work Life Balance

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Work Life Balance: The Impact on the Family System and Possible Alternatives Changes in the advancement of technology have reshaped when and where work takes place. Globalization has introduced the trend of a 24-7 service economy and the depletion of the “Nine to five, Monday through Friday” work hours. This ongoing trend has developed various issues for families, particularly those with children. The lack of quality childcare during non-traditional work hours and the instability of children's school schedules typically requires families to adhere to a daytime schedule. The advancement of parents who work well into the evening and night hours can disrupt family routines, the ability of all family members to be together in the same place at the same time, impose limitations on the time parents have to spend with each other, and cut down the time parents have to relax or "recharge" after work. One aspect of the changing family systems in which many children live today directly relates to many parents having a job outside of the home as well as their parenting commitments. What is the Impact on children with working parents? According to Casper and O'Connelt (1998), for parents of preschoolers, working regular daytime hours may be as challenging to meet childcare demands as working nonstandard hours. Research suggests that non-traditional work hours may actually increase parental care of children. Some parents choose to work non- traditional work schedules in order to be available to their children during the day versus placing children in childcare (Presser 1988). In two-parent families when one or both parents work non-traditional work schedules the parental care of children can be disturbed. Fathers in two income families where the wife works a non-traditional work schedule are more likely to play an active role in childcare than in other two income families

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