Work Effectively in the Community Sector

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Work effectively in the community sector Summative assessment 2 Project 1 Home and Community Care-New employee general information Ethics – are beliefs or principles set to define the “right” way to conduct yourself in a given situation. Any code of ethics will include certain individual rights such as the right to make our own choices, the right to justice the right to freedom of movement, the right to protection, the right to adequate shelter and the right to education these basic human rights are of high importance when dealing with our clients and must be adhered to at all times. The Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities is an important document and underpins the way we interact with people at all times. Role- our role is to provide support and assistance to those wishing to remain living independently and safely in their own homes. We can do this by providing assistance with house cleaning, showering and dressing, minor home repairs, meal delivery and respite. Work policies, procedures, legislative requirements- we are governed by a number of policies including the Occupational Health and Safety policy, confidentiality and manual handling policy. Some of the procedures we need to follow include our mopping and showering procedures. Legally there are obligations set down for example the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Equal Opportunity Act and the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. You will be given a copy of these to read as well as having copies on hand at work and on the intranet should you need to refer to them at any time. Personal values/beliefs- you may find that your personal beliefs may not sit in line with what we need to achieve during our daily work. While you may not agree with works policies or procedures you must always follow them without comment and only voice your concerns to your

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