Work Breakdown Structure

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Executive Summary Introduction This paper will describe the role of a project leader in making staffing decisions. This paper will include ten interview questions that are asked during an interview for consideration of technical and social skills. This paper will include justification for each decision that was made in the decision of the interview questions for the job position. In addition, a project organization chart that provides resources to each Activity in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Role of Project Leader “As the process leader, your job, if not your mantra, is to enable your group to approach this standard and keep them there” (DeCarlo, 2004, p. 146). A project cannot be considered a success if the knowledge needed to maintain it and create it on a daily basis has not been developed. A project leader role “is a complex, high-speed, self-correcting venture during which people interact in search of a desirable result under conditions of high uncertainty, high change, and high stress” (DeCarlo, 2004, p.34). A project leader must know what skills are needed to complete, support, and produce the project. They also need to understand the skills that will help the other team members meet the strategic goals, and which investments that are required to develop those skills. These decisions will be incorporated with the vision of the project, included in the strategic plan. Staffing will need to be implemented into the project budget and schedule, so that the project leader will be prepared for the project before it begins. The project leader should prepare the plan that includes a status report on staff development and the decisions that are made, in addition, the plan should measure the proficiency of the staff. “A team is a small number of people with complementary subject matter expertise who are committed to a common purpose, set of
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