Women's Role In The Church

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Over the past 500 years, many things have changed relating to the church. Some of the things that have changed have been seen as positive changes and helpful for the church while others have been seen as negative changes and not helpful for the church. One of the biggest changes that church has undergone over the past 500 years is the role that women play within the church. Women have been slowly rising to fill more important roles in the church and have more of a say in the decision made in the church. Although since the beginning, women have played in important roles like Deborah, who was the judge of Israel, when it came to the church, they just sat in the background with minor roles to fill. Even though women held important roles, in the church, the men held all those roles. The scripture was written by men, all the apostles were men and the churches were planted and led by men. Clearly, men had the important roles in the church. Having the men hold the leadership roles is actually a biblical command. In 1 Timothy 3:1, it says that one the qualifications for being an elder in the church, is for the person to be a man. It is biblical for a man to be the leader of a church and have other leadership roles in the church be filled by men. Today though, women are becoming more and more involved in their churches and being able to be leaders in their church. There are many bible study groups that meet today that are led by women. A big step in the history of the church was that women became allowed to be a part of the clergy and fill that role of the church. Today, in my church at least, there are women on the board of directors which is the committee that makes all the financial decisions for the church and helps keep track of the churched budget. That is a big role to have, and today women are doing that for churches. Women are slowly climbing up the ladder for

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