Women In Othello

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Othello Academic Essay Shakespeare’s Othello has been intensively studied many times, but most people tend to focus on the two male leads, Othello and Iago. The two main female leads, Desdemona and Emilia, are often overlooked and thought to be secondary characters to the jealous Moor and the scheming villain. Women in the Elizabethan era were often looked down upon and thought of as inferior. Othello has many themes pertaining to the time period in which they lived. Many themes included jealousy, romantic love, racism and most importantly the role of men and women during that time. With Iago's snide remarks about women ranging to Emilia's speech about how the men were at fault for unfaithful wives. Women were expected to be submissive to the males in their life, considered as property and their virtue highly valued. Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca are all somehow rejected by their partners for not living up to the expectations of women in their society in the eyes of the husbands or lovers. During this time unmarried women were considered their father's property, and once married the property of their husband. There were many examples of this throughout the play. Both Iago and Brabantio describe the loss of Desdemona as if she were a piece of property. Iago tells Brabantio "you’re robbed" (1.1.84). Brabantio calls Othello a "foul thief" (1.2.62), and says that his daughter is "stolen from me and corrupted" (1.3.61). Another example is when Othello and Desdemona go to consummate their marriage and Othello make the metaphor of "Come, my dear love/ The purchase made, /the fruits are to ensue/That profit’s yet to come ’tween me and you./Good night." (2:3:9-13). In Othello's quote he is basically saying that now that their wedding is over they should go consummate their marriage or "complete their purchase" as the quote suggests. In Elizabethan
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