women in Donne

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‘Woman’ in Donne’s Poetry John Donne has portrayed women in different ways in his different poems. Donne revolted against the Petrachan tradition in love poetry by bringing realism into the treatment of love. Thus in many of his poems ,woman is not regarded as a goddess pure and exalted and adorable .She is essentially a human being very much desirable but not an object of worship. Being a metaphysical love poet he discussed love relation between a woman and himself.Though in some of his poems we will find it contradictory, which is nothing but reflection of his mind.In his eyes woman was possessed in different ways.Sometimes we find him extremely in love with his woman (his boloved),besides in another poem we find his negative attitude towards woman-which is so contradictory at the same time. In most of his poem we find, portraying woman he uses metaphysical conceit-that is so unconventional, his extreme love,passion,references from different allusion,his power of knowledge etc. In the poem ‘The Sunne Rising’ rebuking the sun, poet says: “Busie old foole, unruly Sunne, Why dost thou thus, Through windowes, and through curtaines, call on us ? Must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run ? Saucy pedantique wretch, goe chide Late school-boyes and sowre prentices, Goe tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride, Call countrey ants to harvest offices;” Here he shows his disturbance towards an unwelcome guest,who is annoying the poet and his woman at the time of making love in their bed room.He was too much evolved with his beloved,therefore he became so aggressive.It means that,making love with his wife is too important rather anything to him. He also said: She’s all states,and all Princes ,I Nothing else is. He presents his woman the princes of all states.He is giving her the utmost honor through his poetic expression.It means that his
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