Wk 5 Mgt 311 Reflection

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Reflection As we progress into the 21st Century, workplace diversity is a necessary topic we all must have a clear understanding of. Below we will discuss the strategies to manage diversity and the methods to devise to manage organizational change. In our first portion managing diversity the responsibilities of a manger are many, and there are several ways to manage diversity; However not all businesses do it exactly the same. With a diverse work team, the inherent responsibility of managers is to manage diversity on an ongoing basis. In doing so, managers must be taught the legal aspects of equal opportunity employment. They must be abreast of the company’s polices and hiring practices as it relates to the diversity in the workplace. The policies of the company should foster awareness and acceptance of employee’s differences. These policies “ensure that everyone is given a fair opportunity to show and develop his or her skills and abilities” (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Companies should have as part of their policy strategies to ensure that women and minorities are represented in all managerial positions and the company should hold management accountable for having a diverse management team. Management on all levels should have an on-going commitment to diversity training. This training will instill in them, the importance of having a diverse workplace and the company will be better able to serve a market of diverse consumers. In a diverse working environment there are different perspectives, acknowledging that, management will improve the performance of the employees. Employees may understand their own feelings and attitudes about people who are different from themselves. This is one way management can explore how differences might be tapped as assets in the workplace. Management is the key to keeping harmony in a diverse work place. This leads us to methods in

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